
Showing posts from May, 2021


The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree?  To commence with, is crime rate dimnishing currently  when compared to the  past? Is crime rate decreasing  due to advance technology? Will technology solve or prevent crime? if yes, how will that happen? In this essay, I am going to shed some light on this topic with my opinion at the end.  I completely agree that crime rate decreased when compared with past because of enrichment in technology. Firstly, in the  past, there were no cctv cameras and no finger print detection mechanisms, but in today's generation, we have cctv cameras almost present everywhere and these acts as disincentive for people to commit crime. Nowadays security is also enchanced by technology. For instance, in past as we need to carry physical money, chances of burglary was high, whereas, today's technology brought many changes and we can have virtual money whi


People usually spend lots of money on marriages/ birthdays and anniversaries, whereas some people argue that these are wastage of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Marriages and birthdays are moments of celebration and are universal in nature. Individuals usually spend lavishly on weddings/natal day and relationship ceremonies, though minority of population feel that its total misuse of one’s wealth, I partially agree with the above-mentioned statement and I will pen down both the pros and cons of the topic in the subsequent paragraphs.  One evident merit is that as these events occur once in a lifetime, the individual/person has full privilege to spend his/her money on that auspicious occasion and make it even more memorable by arranging a grand reception or hiring a professional photographer’s team to capture all lovely moments and cherish them later. Secondly, as every near and dear one’s are invited, it facilitates friends and family reunion and bolsters/reinforces


Some people beleive that its best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.  It is widely believed by a majority of individuals that accepting a bad situation and moving on is the optimal solution, while others argue that there is no harm in trying to work for the betterment of it. Surely, one cannot avert the mishappenings in his/her life, but is doing nothing the best way of dealing with things ? In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both the views and assert my opinion. To begin with, there are many instances where people perceive that they cannot drastically change their situation and acceptance of such facts will leave them more contented with their lives. According to these people, good or bad situtions are merely 'Act of god' or 'play of fate'. They believe that they have nothing to do when they are destine


Some say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.  Discuss both views and give your opinion.  In this contemporary world where modern civilisation is fueled by blatant exploitation of natural resources, it is conspicuous that planet earth is in grave danger. The loss of natural habitats due to intensive agriculture as well as urbanisation has put the survival of many species of plants and animals under threat. While this is certainly a major concern, is this the most pressing environmental problem that we should deal with? It is also argued by many that there are other issues such as climate change which require more attention. I shall discuss both views in the following paragraphs and cite my opinion at the end.  To start with, increasing populations around the world have led to a drastic reduction in forest perimeters, resulting in a wide scale destruction


Some believe that music is a good way of bringing people of cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with statement ? Every society considers art and music as the core components of their culture. Most people opine that music is a great way to promote cohesion among various cultures and age groups. However, the content and genre of music also play a commendable role. I agree with the statement that music which is soothing and widely acceptable can be used for promoting harmony.  In these highly stressful times, music can be sought as a way to bring people together and with various platforms of digital media, music lovers are able to break barriers and unite enthusiastically. People join hands for several charitable causes on grounds of their common liking for music. For example, the sad demise of chester bennington, the lead singer of the band linkin park bought together various fan communities. Social media was swarmed with tributaries and public gatherings


Nowadays celebrities are more known for their glamour and wealth than for their achievement, and this sets a bad example to young people.To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is a widely beleived fact a major percentange of celebrities these days are merely highlighted for their glamour and wealth rather than their professional acheivements and talents. This leads to arguments that flaunting luxurious lifestyles will set negative examples on young minds. Although I agree with the fact that, famous personalities influence their audience, I also beleive that they cannot be held responsible for their behaviour and there are there are other personalities who are solely broadcasted for their work. In the following stanzas i will cite reasons for the same.  With recent advancements in technology, there has been a drastic boom in publicity platforms and the public interaction with their stars has become very effortless. People's interest in private lifes of celebrities has grown and


Some people think that intelligence is innate, while others think we can improve our intelligence through learning. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Is intelligence inborn or is it nurtured through learning? On the one hand, several people believe that intelligence is inherent for infants, while, on the other hand, some individuals trust that learning and acquiring knowledge at schools is immensely essential to arouse one’s brainpower. In my subsequent paragraphs, I will elucidate both these schools of thought along with my viewpoint at the end. To commence with, intelligence is certainly innate, and the prime reason for this kind of functioning is that if the parents are clever and canny, then in all likelihood, there is a mammoth probability of children acquiring their mother or father genes which lead them to possess a higher level intelligent quotient. For instance, the IQ level of one of the most celebrated physicists, Albert Einstein, was on sky-high. Similarly, his offs


Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion. Did human activities have affected plant and animal life? Some people argue that it is too late to do something while others think that actions can be taken to improve this situation. This essay elucidates the effects of human activities and measures taken to bring a change to reduce negative impact on ecological life and give my opinion at the end of the fourth coming paragraph. Originally, some activities done by humans have caused a bad result on the environment. Activities such as deforestation, over population, polluting, trading in wildlife and engaging in wars, have brought a negative impact not only on plants but also on animals life around the world. For instance, the sparrow population has largely decreased due to high levels of pollution and radiat


THE GOVERNMENT IS SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY TO DISCOVER LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS. SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT GOVERNMENT IS WASTING MONEY AND SHOULD SPEND MORE MONEY ADDRESSING THE PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC. TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE? A lot of money is being spent by the government to explore other planets and to locate the existence of life and creatures on those planets as well. However, some people argue that this step taken by the government is leading to the wastage of money and unnecessary expenditure which can be used in solving the prevalent issues of the society instead. I partially agree with this statement given by people.  On the onset, the government is trying and implementing various methods of searching to trace the viability of life on neighbouring planets. to some extent, it is a good initiative. by finding the other possible sources of life and life forms on the other planets, one can get to know about the environment around us, and can further analyse the findings and can improve t


SHOPPING IS THE FAVORITE PASTIME FOR MOST OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE. WHY DO YOU THINK IS THAT? DO YOU THINK THEY SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED TO DO SOME USEFUL ACTIVITIES IN THEIR FREE TIME? Growing consumerism and ease of shopping might be the two primary reasons for the juveniles, to get constantly involved in the zone of shopping. In this contemporary world, although fashion and clothing are being the most integral parts of every youngster’s life, at the same time, every individual should utilize his/her leisure time, profitably, which I will expound explicitly in my forthcoming paragraphs. To commence with, as most of the present-day teenagers are always being highly conscious about their appearances, especially in public domains, purchasing fashionable and fancy clothes is becoming an indispensable daily grind for a major part of the youth. Firstly, social media is the utmost prime factor that influenced many of the young people’s mindsets and making them believe that they ought to look picture


SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT DANGEROUS SPORTS SHOULD BE BANNED, WHILE OTHERS THINK PEOPLE SHOULD BE FREE TO CHOOSE. DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS AND GIVE YOUR OPINION . Sports are an essential part of life. competitions are being held in different sports from school level to international level across the globe. However, most of the people argue that risky sports should not be encouraged whereas some put a checkpoint saying people have the right to choose the sports they like. i will emphasise both the views in the subsequent paragraphs along with my opinion. On the one hand, sports which are harmful to one's life are being played along with normal sage sports. There are several detrimental effects of these dangerous sports. These sports are leaving many participants badly injured, handicapped and even taking lives of them. In other words, being in a state of disabled and losing life is not a small thing to ignore. This will leave a lifelong pain in their life and in the lives of their family as w


NEW HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES HAVE RESULTED IN MORE FREE TIME FOR WOMEN AND HAS ENABLED THEM TO WORK AND RUN A HOME WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES FOR A FAMILY WHEN THE MOTHER WORKS? DO YOU THINK THE DISADVANTAGES OUTWEIGHS THE ADVANTAGES? Modern household appliances have reduced the chores of women and resulted in more leisure time for themselves which helped them take time for their career and jobs while running home and taking care of their children. Although I accept there are some disadvantages, there are far more advantages. Admittedly, there are few drawbacks when a mother works. Firstly, she will not be able to spend time with her family and children after returning from work as she will be tiresome. Secondly, she does not have much energy to prepare her children’s favourite snacks which she used to make and keep it ready even before they returned from school/college. Lastly, she will be having work stress and should always carry the burden of both work and home on


All the parents want the best opportunities for their children. There are some people who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for a children's future.  Discuss both sides and give your opinion at the end.  Every parent of this modern society desire to see their child owning a glittering future. Though some people who presume that schools should concentrate more on drilling their pupils regarding the innovative skills, there are also other inhabitants who believe that their children will have a better tomorrow only by winning wide range of knowledge on different subjects. In the following paragraphs, let me discuss the both sides along with my opinion at the end.  On the one hand, possessing varied skills is highly significant for a child. Because they can enhance self-esteem and promote an ability to meet any kind of challenging situations with ease and optimism. By incorporating all the functional, attitude and sel


Compare these views. Politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Scientists make the greatest contribution to the world. Which do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. In human society, both politics and science holds a great importance as it is unimaginable to live our life without any of them. But the question arises who has greater impact on common men's life, Politician or Scientist? Many people advocate politicians conversely, others support scientist. In my essay, I will discuss both the aspects and share my own tenet in the last. To embark upon, a human being by it's pristine nature is a social animal that requires somebody robust to guide him and politicians truly fulfils this desire. It is absolutely justified to mention that they are crucial for the society because they not only show the world a correct path to follow but they also represent us on the bigger platform and solve our problems by using their power. I can rem


Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep . What problems can lack of sleep cause?  What can be done about lack of sleep ? “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. This quote of Benjamin Franklin highlights how getting enough quality sleep at right time can help people lead a healthy lifestyle. However ,a lot of people complain about sleeping difficulties .This essay will discuss the problems caused by lack of sleep and also solutions for it.  Change in working conditions is one of the biggest factors influencing sleeping patterns. Most of the younger generation works in multinational firms where they have a lot of work pressure which makes them stressed resulting in sleeping disorders and insufficient sleep can cause further stress. Disturbed sleep causes health problems like diabetes, fluctuating BP ,confusion, anxiety and cardiac troubles. In addition ,lack of sleep lowers down energy level of a person reducing e


Many people say that globalisation and the growing number of multinational companies have a negative effect on the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use examples to support your decision. Developments of the countries depend upon some of the fields which include promoting large companies to invest in their countries. This increases the companies brand value all over the globe. The advent of this is to get many employment opportunities, but as per my point of view, at a cost of environmental issues. This essay will discuss how multinational companies are causing adverse effects on the environment and cite examples to support my view.             To begin with, modern life requirement leads to discovery of new products and the brands frequently. Although the technology is sufficient it still requires large manpower is required to handle it. The commercial businesses open their branches in other countries which help to achieve the big market all over the world. Thus th


Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. Discuss both views & state your opinion. In this rapidly changing world, individuals often go through the dilemma of playing more attention to their bank accounts or having more free time for themselves. For this reason, some people compromise with higher income while some bargain with leisure time. I concur with the view that people should not negotiate with the quality of life for money. There are the majority of the people who think having abundant money is the best way to live a life. With better financial stability, they can provide a more luxurious and comfortable lifestyle to their hobbies. The monetary benefits bring happiness and contentment to some people because of which they can provide quality education and health facilities to their families. Thus they prioritize it in place of dedicating that time for leisure activities. At the same time, some believe that spending long


All the parents want the best opportunities for their children. There are some people who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for a children's future.  Discuss both sides and give your opinion at the end.  Every parent of this modern society desire to see their child owning a glittering future. Though some people who presume that schools should concentrate more on drilling their pupils regarding the innovative skills, there are also other inhabitants who believe that their children will have a better tomorrow only by winning wide range of knowledge on different subjects. In the following paragraphs, let me discuss the both sides along with my opinion at the end.  On the one hand, possessing varied skills is highly significant for a child. Because they can enhance self-esteem and promote an ability to meet any kind of challenging situations with ease and optimism. By incorporating all the functional, attitude and sel


Some say sports facilities are important and they promote healthy lifestyles while others believe they have only a small impact on individuals. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Healthy mind lives in a healthy body. An individual can give his/her 100% to a task solely when he/she is fit. Nowadays, people are on a run for money and shuns the most crucial aspect of life that is health. In regard to this some assert that public health is important and there should be more sports facilities, while others presume that they have small impact on individual. Well i have a rather neutral stand about the two statements. To begin with, sports play an indispensable role in one's life. Sport keeps an individual fit and healthy. One can not shun the importance of fitness in life. This is the sole reason that from primary school the physical education becomes mandatory. Sports and fitness go hand in hand. Over the years, it has been seen that numerou


All over the world, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. What problems does this cause? How can we overcome the problems of poverty? The wealthy people are getting wealthier and the condition of poor is worsening. This essay will discuss the major reasons for this phenomena and propose some measures to improve the situation. Stats show that 95% of the worlds riches are controlled by 5% of the worlds population. This steep financial gap in sections of the society would cause social imbalance and further exploitation of the weaker section of the society. That is because the economy is concentrated only in the hands of a part of the society and it keeps rotating in the same loop.Due to this the interests of this part is prioritized and the interests of weaker sections are undermined. As a result,the needs of the poor are neglected and the condition of them degrades even more. Other reason being that the global population is increasing at an alarming rate leading


Nowadays online education has become popular as more institutes and companies are offering courses online. However, many people prefer the traditional, classroom training or study. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. The internet has changed the way we learn. Nowadays, we can learn anything and everything from the comfort of our home using a computer or smartphone. The main advantage of this development is that it allows students to learn at a time and place convenient to them. However, there is a significant set of students who find online classes less effective than regular classes. Online classes has been a boon to many students during these unprecedented times where colleges and schools are shut down world-wide. However, thanks to internet technologies, academic institutions are still able to deliver lectures to their students. Online classes helped students study at their own pace. if they find a difficulty in a lesson they can listen to it repeatedly which


In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?  Holidays are considered best time to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy ;desired and loved by all age groups. It is believed by certain people that in coming years more people will prefer home country over foreign land for holidaying. I completely disagree with this notion due to many reasons which I will discuss in subsequent paragraphs.  To initiate with, many people can afford foreign holidays nowadays and love to explore around the world. In other words people enjoy to visit those places which are not experienced by them. For instance ,people residing on Indian subcontinent are keen to escape from the scorching heat during summers; they book customized cheap foreign holiday Packages from different travel services with much ease.  Seondly ,many people choose International destinations to discover the art and culture of different nations. Not only they en


Some people believe that technology has made man more social and others think that it has made him less social. Discuss both views and give your opinion? Technology has an indispensable role in a humans life. However, it is often debated upon whether this has made people more sociable or more lethargic. In my perspective the advent of modern technology has made people more sociable but at the same time, it also hinders personal interaction. In this essay, I will not only discuss the pro's and con's but also cite some examples to strenghten my views. There has been ample evidence that these have detrimental effect on young minds who are afected by the very addictive nature of such technologies, resulting in isolation from the society. In addition, dependence on these social media apps may have a pounding effect on mental health and leads people to a sedentary life style.For example, recent studies indicate that most of the middle aged people spend majority of their time on vario


1. TV journalism has descended to a level that gutters would gag at, and one’s only defense is denial 2. Places such as Stanford or Harvard in the U.S. , and Trinity or Imperial college in Britain have, for decades if not centuries, provided not just the best that quality education can provide, but especially for many Anglophonic Indians, something that is deeply aspirational, providing a ‘golden ticket’ for social mobility that goes well beyond what one’s LinkedIn profile will contain. 3. There is good reason why Indian students and their parents hanker for a higher education ‘abroad’, especially in institutions carrying the ivy league and Oxbridge goldmark 4. Much of the high value is created not just by what goes on in the ‘tried and tested and branded’ academic exchanges in these Hogwarts, but also by the immersive experiences that comes with being there – from engaging ‘fireplace chats’ with tutors over sherry and string theory, and getting lost in labs and libraries, to the many


The number of advertisements for charities on television and the internet seems to be increasing. Is this a positive development or a negative development ? Advertisements are incredibly effective and powerful way to spread word about a important issues or products. With rapid exponential growth in the population, it becomes extremely difficult for organisations to spread word about campaigns. Internet and TV reduce the effort put into this. They reach a wide range of audience in a short period of time. In my opinion this is a positive development because it enables people to donate very easily. Firstly, Umpteen number of organisations promote their ads using digital platforms. In this era where everything from shopping to bill payments are being done digital, online ads really seem to catch the eye of users. Infact internet uses an algorithm that targets speific people who may have made contributions in the past. This increases the probability of them interacting with such ads. The ri


Although more and more people use public transport, some city streets are still overcrowded with traffic. How can this problem be solved. It is undoubtful that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from traffic congestion. In this essay, I will cite the reasons for this trend and suggest some practical solutions the authorities could implement to reduce the level of traffic in our cities. The first step is to understand why traffic has increased in towns and cities. Broadly speaking, there are three main reasons for this. One is that cars have become more affordable for the average consumers and they are no longer a luxury item, but something that most families expect to own. A second reason is that public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent years, not least because many bus and train services have been reduced because of the difficulty in funding them. The third reason is that society has, in general become more mobile and this means more people are prepa


Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  To commence with , most of the celebrity's life is filled with hardwork, desire and audacious situations, but there are some celebrities who are well-known for their outer appearance and wealth. Some believe that this creates negative influence on younger generations. In this essay, I am going to shed some light on impact by these celebrities with  my opinion at the end.  Celebrities are persons who influence people irrespective of age, some of them act as role models for younger generations and inspire and motivate them to  succeed in their life. If celebrities are well-known  for concrete things like money and beauty, then the  aspiring younger generations who are seeking them as role models may  fall in this trap of money and beauty which are not basic blocks for success. They may not succeed in life


Some people think that intelligence is innate, while others think we can improve our intelligence through learning. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? Intelligence is measured by IQ. A person is more intelligent only when he has more IQ, although we can improve our IQ by working on it. Intelligent people can analyze spontaneously, think intellectually and their memory is also at a good standard. As every coin has 2 sides in the same way every argument has more than one opinion. Some people think intelligence is innate although many others think intelligence can be improved. In my subsequent paragraphs, I will explain both sides more broadly.   Many people think intelligence is inborn and  children will get genes from their parents or ancestors. So if a person or his ancestor has a good IQ, it can be inherited by their children not only IQ but also many qualities can be inherited f om  Parents. If a person is a singer or a dancer then his or her child gets that talent from their


More and more wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are on the endangered list.  What are the reasons for this?  What can be done to solve this problem? Now a days, we cannot find many of the known wild animals which we had seen on internet or text books during our younger age, as many of their kind getting extinct. There are several number of reasons for this end of life and many more living animals will also be facing this same issue sooner or later. However, we can control this disaster by following precautions, which I will pendown in subsequent paragraphs. Firstly, the most common reason for the extinction of wild animals is deforestation and in addition to that, no proper maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries, which causes the animal, nowhere to live. Existence of some of the animal species cannot be brought back, once their shorter life time is over. Globally, the movement of these livings are not properly monitored and they shift to the places where human footpri