1. TV journalism has descended to a level that gutters would gag at, and one’s only defense is denial

2. Places such as Stanford or Harvard in the U.S. , and Trinity or Imperial college in Britain have, for decades if not centuries, provided not just the best that quality education can provide, but especially for many Anglophonic Indians, something that is deeply aspirational, providing a ‘golden ticket’ for social mobility that goes well beyond what one’s LinkedIn profile will contain.

3. There is good reason why Indian students and their parents hanker for a higher education ‘abroad’, especially in institutions carrying the ivy league and Oxbridge goldmark

4. Much of the high value is created not just by what goes on in the ‘tried and tested and branded’ academic exchanges in these Hogwarts, but also by the immersive experiences that comes with being there – from engaging ‘fireplace chats’ with tutors over sherry and string theory, and getting lost in labs and libraries, to the many rituals of campus life and arcana – that together form part of ‘top college education’ and ‘weaponise’ the Yale or LSE product in the Indian socio-economic marketplace with a ‘foreign degree’

5. A strikingly simple question

6. Pride and joy

7. The spectre of covid-19

8. An estimated annual tuition fee of

9. A top-certified online master-class

10. Being roped in

11.  little to no work benefits

12. Diplomatic finesse

13. It is time to let go of overzealous, impractical, ineffective policies

14. The time is ripe for a credible alternative in

15. Do not remotely match the reputation of 

16. Sad overall story is 

17.  foremost medical expert of his time

18. Have ample financial capacity to create a string of world-class educational institutions

19. Things are taking a familiar turn

20. To consider the need for course correction

21. Collective brainstorming

22. Provide some food for thought

23. A matter borne out of careful thinking and sound reasoning

24. Sitting in a crowded exam hall puts examinees at a heightened risk

25. Very reasonable concern 

26. Maintaining Covid mitigation measures

27. Shapeshifting dragon mutates and takes on a newer, scarier form

28.When diverse minds come together, great thinking and innovation happens

29. The human brain is responsible for all civilization and culture, for science, art, mathematics, languages and communicating skills. It has also created the means of transport and the skill to explore planetary realms

30. The human brain has also created weapons that at the touch of a button can wipe off all that it has ever created

31. The human brain has created everything we know today. And, also the means to destroy it all

32. A bit like caged animals, we stay in one place, doing the same things over and over. The only escape is through flights of the mind and fancy – through the gateway of books, internet or music

33. All tasks that can be managed remotely have been picked up and managed with the help of ever-evolving technology and the adeptness of human intelligence

34. Strike a similarly advantageous deal 

35. In a long and distinguished career

36. A man for many seasons

37. Widely and eclectically read

38. An avid film buff

39. Known for his culinary skills and as a
 consummate host

40 Just round the corner

41. To lift them out their current uninspiring job profile, rampant exploitation and disincentivised service conditions

42. The nep 2020 acknowledges the reality of unmotivated and dis-spirited Indian teacher and proposes to completely overhaul the teaching profession to create a robust merit-based structure of tenure, salary, and promotion, that incentivizes and recognizes outstanding teachers.

43. A cursory comparison of

 44. poor implementors of plan and policies

45. Effective implementation of 

46. Across the wide spectrum of educational institutions in India- big /mall, private/public, urban/rural, academic/vocational, schools/ colleges, IITs/ITIs etc.

47. Of all the different factors which influence the quality of education and its contribution to national development, the quality, competence and character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant

48.  teachers play the most important role in nation-building by creating high quality of human resource in their classrooms

49. The ground realities are quite different

50. The challenges and issues post-employment range from exploitative employment conditions, characterised by adhocism and poor salaries on one hand to absentee-ism, outdated teacher knowledge & skills, lack of teacher professionalism and commitment on the other

51. Poor learning outcomes 

52. Systemic reforms that would help ‘teaching’ emerge as an attractive profession of choice for bright and talented young minds

53. Mirrors a pendulum oscillating between crises and a savior

54. Avoiding super spreader events

55. Becoming increasingly clear

56. Nonagenarian

57. One of the first high-profile targets of the harsh new national security law 

58. Leaves unaddressed the heart of the problem

59. This is an important step in the right direction

60. The policy gives priority to imparting foundational literacy and numeracy by the time a child enters 3rd grade

61. Poor educational outcomes in the higher grades

62.  encouraging broad-based learning

63. A stigma-free way to impart basic skills to all including those who eventually opt for the academic stream

64. The difference in behaviour stems from the difference in accountability

65. Low-fee budget private schools

66. Private unaided elementary schools 

67. The situation is catastrophic

68. Address symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem

69. The hard reality is 

70. Could survive and flourish in the rough and tumble of national politics for five decades

71. His success, despite minimal electoral appeal, lay in a rare ability to play varied roles in public life

72. An ace troubleshooter

73. Encyclopaedic memory that aroused awe among

74. Struck an exemplary rapport 

75. Marked by such controversial moves as

76. Remains unresolved till date

77. A statesman whose work ethic and erudition have been rarely matched in public life

78. Was and is a source of inspiration for many contemporary politicians

79. Hope the momentum will continue

80. Factories enhanced their production activities

81. Build the inventory for the upcoming festival sales

82. Other sectors are also pumping prime in the state

83. With the busy season for garments setting in, exporters are drawing up ambitious expansion plans

84. The electronics manufacturing services, a labour intensive sector, too scaled up operations

85. The global pandemic has significantly impacted businesses across industries

86. An initial slowdown owing to the lockdown

87. To boost manufacturing automation, home delivery and to strengthen our digital capabilities to ensure efficient functioning

88. Trying to bring back the indigenous plants of the region

89. Natural green cover of

90. Rich in both flora and fauna

91. Perennial trees

92. Scattered in various places

93. Exploitation of groundwater is leading to depletion of resources that will jeopardise future generations, increasing ecological costs, causing salinisation of aquifers due to seawater intrusion

94. Sustainable agriculture and groundwater use.

95. Replenish groundwater resources

96. Sending a strong warning to errant employees

97. The move is expected to weed out corrupt and inefficient officers

98. The most important election in the world electing the most powerful executive of the globe

99. Would be watched with greater interest more than ever before for so many unique reasons, one of the most prominent amongst them being India, Indians and Indianness becoming one of the hottest narratives

100. Never used to be a subject worth discussing during the


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