

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?  In the coming years, all the vehicles will be driverless and the individuals travelling inside these will be passengers. I believe, the benefits of driverless vehicles outweigh the drawbacks , which I am going to  discuss in the subsequent paragraphs. On the one hand, the advantages of driverless vehicles are, firstly, the people in the automated car will lead their way in a more comfortable manner, they don’t need to drive by themselves and they can enjoy their ride with others and can feel more relaxed. Secondly, one can save a lot of money in the view of the fact that, drivers won’t be appointed for driving anymore or no need of driver, hence funds will be saved by not investing on the fees of a driver on a monthly basis. Thirdly, there will be less chance of accidents to be h


Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?  Many processed food and drink are packed with sugar and this lead to many health issues like diabetes, obesity etc,. I completely agree withy the view  that to reduce sugar consumption, sugar or glucose packed products should be sold at a higher price.  Firstly, many people over-consume sugary products as they are cheaper in price. For instance, in United States, many of the fast food restaurants, offer free refill in sodas. As a result, people will tend to have two or more sodas at a meal. If these restaurants implement a 20% tax on this drinks and stop supplying free refill, then many people probably wouldn’t order it at all. A regulation like this can help preventing obesity and diabetes which is major issue among low income people since many of them are high cons


 In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?  In their advertising, businesses today often promote the idea that there is something new in their products. I I think this is a positive development  because new features and new creations are there to respond to consumers new needs. By advertising something new they created, that particular brand can increase their chances of staying ahead of their competitors. No matter what a company sells , there are always hundreds, if not thousands of similar products available in the market that a customer can choose from, if the company does not inform the customers through its marketing that their product is innovative and different in some way, it will be just one of the many out there, rather than one which is diverse and grabs buyer’s attention. For instance, in an iPhone commercial, Apple effectively delivers the message


Some people think that it should be compulsory for people to retake their driving test every five years. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this? Nowadays, there is an increase in automobiles on the roads, which aligns with the numerous road accidents. Many argue that instead of taking a single driving test in their life, everyone must undergo the test periodically. What are the positives  and demerits of retaking the driving test? This essay discusses both the positive and negative sides of the repeated driving test in the subsequent passages. On the one hand, the main advantage of the repeated driving test is, we can cut down on many road accidents by educating the motorists about new rules enforced every year. In other words, a person who periodically takes a driving test will be well aware of traffic rules, so there won't be any chance of disobeying regulations. Ultimately, people don't commit any mistakes while driving, which decreases the chances of freque


Government should spend more money on railways than roads. T o what extent  do you agree or disagree ? Transportation has become the basic and compulsory need for people in 21st century. Many of them argue that the authorities should spend more money on railways rather than on roads, I do not quite agree with this view as this isn't the authentic argument. In my opinion, government should invest equal amount of money on both trains and roadways as both of them are important. I am going to shed more lights on this in my write up. Railways are the most advantageous mode of transport. Firstly, it allows more number of people to travel from one place to the other and because of  this the rate of fuel consumption will be less and trains use eco-friendly fuels compared to cars and bikes exhaust emissions which are harmful for the nature. Secondly, railways have all the basic comforts in the compartments where people don't feel cranky, and moreover the passengers can have fun as the w


In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding about the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?   Many people probe into the stories of their homes to find the history of the house or building they live in simply because they are curious. Most cities have been in existence since a long period of time and many of its ancient buildings are examples of the stories she (the city) has to narrate to those who’ve forgotten about her.   Many people get into fields related to the study of such stories and buildings whereas, the others research about this out of their inquisitiveness. With cities being developed as concrete jungles, most neighbourhoods and houses look alike thus making people wonder what’s so different or unique about the homes they live in. They may want to know why they spent a million dollars buying an apartment in one specific area because they were getting a similar lo


Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Environment, the most essential term for human life plays a major role in the cycle of nature. These days the environmental conditions are degrading day by day, few of them say, extinction of species in biotic organisms is one of the causes. Others say that there are different environmental problems. I'm going to discuss both of them in my writeup. On one hand, it is stated that, one of the causes for degradation of environment is the extinction of species and also getting endangered. Mostly, the life cycle of an animal or a plant depends on other species, when the species are getting endangered, the cycle is disturbed causing trouble to more organisms. This ensures that the  nature is unbalanced and also causing environmental problems. On the other hand,