

Some people like to travel outside of their countries. Others would rather travel to the tourist spots in their own country first before traveling abroad. Which do you prefer to do and why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice. Travel means visiting locations across the world and its purpose varies from person to person depending upon the circumstances. Some of the main intentions behind to travel new places are  - pleasure, relaxation, exploration, and fulfilling self dreams. Having no boundaries, one can travel anywhere throughout the globe with their own strong-will, and in my opinion, I will fly my own country before traveling overseas. On the one hand, my country's geographical structure is very unique compared to other nations. The northern region is surrounded by "The Great Himalayas", the eastern belt is famous for "Bay of Bengal ", the western territory has its own share like - "Thor Desert ", "Arabian Sea" an


SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT COOKING FOOD AT HOME IS A WASTE OF TIME, THEY THINK THAT FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS HAVE MADE MODERN LIVING EASY AND LESS STRESSFUL. TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE? Food is the fuel of the human body, it is essential for various activities of day to day life. Whilst few individuals opine that simmering food at their own habitat is dwindling, and sustenance can be ordered from outside eateries which are non burdensome and effortless.I partially agree with this statement and I will put down in black and white all the pros and cons of the same. On the one side of the coin, in the very first place, the effortless availability of the junk food made it a cakewalk for the individuals with a tedious work schedule. Apparently, all the burden of chopping vegetables, doing the dishes, shopping for groceries is diminished by ordering from drive-ins. Secondly, for young persons or youngsters who cannot prepare snacks for themselves, eating at food stands to resolve the problem. Third


SOME OLDER PEOPLE STRUGGLE WITH THE USE OF MODERN ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGICAL GADGETS  SUCH AS SMARTPHONES AND COMPUTERS. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF IT AND PROPOSE SOME SOLUTIONS. The geriatric population are intimidated by digital technological gadgets usage. Across the globe, golden-ager group who grew up in a pre-digital era are finding it strenuous to manoeuvre these widgets. The upcoming paragraphs deal with the causes of this issue and will offer some suggestions to lend a hand to them in using the same. To begin with, technology has driven a variety of societal, medical and technical trends which has become an integral part of people's daily lives. However, there are still roadblocks that need to be considered and addressed for senior citizens in using technology. Firstly, the visual functions decrease as people age which has repercussions on acuity in spotting minuscule details on screen. Secondly, some older people put off using online tools because they see them as being arduous


Why shopping these days has become a form of entertainment rather than just buying what is needed. Is it a positive or negative trend? Give reasons for this and your opinion. Earlier shopping used to be a simple and essential act but in the present day, it has become a leisure act for so many people as well as it is also referred to as one of the entertainment activities by netizens. If this shopping activity continues like this, it will drive the citizens in negative development and it is harmful to society. In the following paragraphs, I will pen down the issues regarding shopping and give my opinion in the end. To begin with, firstly, the major reason for people going gaga over purchasing is because of large shopping malls. They are attractive and became a source of recreational activities. Secondly, instead of buying products, some people are using these places like amusement parks to meet their friends and family members. Thirdly, whenever citizens get bored, they visit and refres


  Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions. Crime has its own deep roots in every segment of society across the world. Any unlawful activity is considered as a crime and it has many names. Nowadays, most of the teenagers are indulging in offensive activities despite having any prior criminal background. In the following paragraphs, I will pen down my views regarding the reasons behind the crimes and solutions related to it respectively. To begin with, there are numerous explanations of how an individual solely or with the help of others is involved in wrongdoings. Firstly, movies and tv shows, which are completely crime-related, indirectly give an impression about the ideology about these violent acts and the visuals on the screen have more impact on young minds. Additionally, these are the factors that help in executing such felony things in their youngest life. Secondly, the urge to earn mo


NOW A DAYS, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE SPENT ON SPACE RESEARCH EVERY YEAR. SOME PEOPLE ARGUE THAT THE MONEY SHOULD BE SPENT ON OTHER ESSENTIAL AREAS SUCH AS HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION . GIVE YOUR OPINION . The idea of spending astronomical sums of money on space research is widely debated, with many people claiming that this could be better spent on such other vital sectors as healthcare, education and the like. In my opinion, this notion merits serious consideration. The reason why space research deserves colossal expenditures are myriad. The primary one lies the fact that with countless numbers of satellites out there , forecasting weather has never been as precise and accurate as now . That scientists can predict flood,storm,tsunami and other calamities with near-perfect precision is only due to space exploration . Besides, researches on space also mean state-of-the-art communication system in place , without which maintaining constant contact between satellites, space shuttles and the l


IN EDUCATION SYSTEM, SOME BELIEVE THAT  ASSESSMENT THROUGH WRITTEN FORMAL EXAMINATION IS VALID WHILE OTHERS DENY IT. GIVE YOUR OPINION .   The role of conventional written tests in gauging a student's capability is widely debated, with many academics claiming that these tests are flawed and can hardly measure one's performance accurately and comprehensively. In my opinion, this proposition merits serious consideration.  One of the most conspicuous drawbacks of traditional exams is that in order to attain good grades in these stereotyped exams, students are not required to possess in-depth knowledge in a specific subject. This is because it is through a number of test-taking skills, strategies, and techniques that even a mediocre student can perform as well as a prodigy. There is no doubt that the core objective of education is not to prepare learners for exams but to inculcate knowledge in them in an effort to broaden their horizons. If cramming or applying certain strategies i