
Showing posts from December, 2021


  Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organization. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?   People are more tend to be interested in building their own business and want to be independent and don’t want to work under any firm. They are feeling their services and talent are going into vain in the companies and there is no proper recognition of the hard work they do. There are several reasons why individuals are backing off as employees and starting with business or any other appropriate organization. There are certain consequences to be faced in this kind of situation. This essay aims to discuss the reasons and negatives of self-employment.   Some people have an idea of being independent right from the beginning and don’t want to take orders from other people and don’t like to work under an organization. They always have an idea of changing the world and have big dreams which cannot be fulfil


" Prevention is better than Cure". Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree ?  It is not uncommon for us to hear of the phrase - “Prevention is better than cure”. The human race has experienced some major drawbacks in terms of healthcare the governments could provide in the recent times. People could lead healthy lifestyles which could act as a preventive measure for various diseases and long-term ailments such as diabetes, higher or lower blood pressures, stress, and could also help with overall mental fitness  of an individual. While the costs involved in researching and treating disease is very expensive, some believe that it could be beneficial to invest in preventive measures but to what extent does this argument hold? I partially agree with the argument and would explain why in the following paragraphs. Firstly, Research is a never-ending affair, as we have witnessed with new fi


In many countries, a small number of people earn extremely high salaries. Some people believe that this is good  for the country , but others think that governments should not allow salaries above a certain level. Discuss both these views and give your opinion . Salaries are a representation of the demand a particular skillset a person is capable of putting onto the table and help the employers by taking up assignments that sometimes require experience and practice to carry them out effectively and efficiently. This higher demand in certain skillsets with lower supply while being driven by the laws of economics, result for a minute fraction of people having higher salaries. Some people believe that the higher salaries is good for the country while there are also people who think that the governments should cap the salaries at a certain level, can both of them be justified? On the one hand, higher salaries show that a person has a skillset in a certain niche in the market with only fe


As well as making money, businesses also social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree ? Businesses these days are so much into money making that they forget the responsibilities that come along with the revenues they make. Businesses do not completely realize that the final segment on the value chain of their business are the consumers who are the citizens and common people of the society. I completely agree that the businesses that are profitable have a role and an immense responsibility towards contributing to the society in ways that would provide some value to the citizens of the society.  Firstly, the citizens of the society are the ultimate and final consumers of the products the businesses or organizations produce. For example, for an aircraft engine manufacturing company, the chain of consumer ship flows through the aircraft operator and then the consumers who fly from one destination to the next. In this case, without the passengers, in other words, the people who want


  If we want to see the future of the planet, we will have to drastically change our way of life. What is your opinion? These days, more people are irresponsible towards nature and there is no concern to save the environment. But, what is the most effective method for dealing with these people, is it to make them educate about the importance of nature of the planet and what could be the consequences if we are not cautious? Some people believe that there will be significant changes in our way of living if we do not think about future of world. I completely agree and in this essay I will support my opinion with examples. Firstly, pollution is the main reason of destruction of our environment. There are three major types of pollution -  air , water and   noise pollution , which leads to contamination of environment. For example, in today's generation, people have more than one vehicle in their homes which is one of  the main reasons behind air pollution and also noise pollution. If pe


These days people work in more than one job and often change career several times during their life. What are the advantages and disadvantage of this? Nowadays, people tend to shift their carrier numerous times. Most of the people want to change their working organization while some want their professional advancement. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this. In this essay, I will discuss some of reasons why people wish to switch their profession and some of the challenges to overcome. Let's begin by looking at the advantages of changing the career. One of the main positives of turning into new vocation is that they will get to know new innovations, technologies. What I mean by this is that by switching into different roles in their profession they will know advancement in the field. It will help them to figure out in which field they are actually interested. For instance, if a computer engineer switches his/her role to a data scientist, he/she will get to kno