
Showing posts from November, 2020


Many students do not finish school. Why is this, and how can the problem be solved Give your opinion and suggestions? Today, although most students in the UAE complete school, a large number still drop out because of family, social, and work pressures. This problem requires serious action from both individuals and the government. Most students who do not complete school do so because of family problems. Girls, especially, want to get married and start a family. Some parents are not interested in education and do not support their children in studying. Social problems are also a contributing factor. Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously. Furthermore, jobs are available even if students do not have a good education. The third reason is work pressure. Some families are poor and need their children to work in order to increase their income. All these problems will create young people who do not have any skills and who will not be able to improv


In many countries, sports and exercise classes are replaced with the academic subjects Discuss the effects of this trend. Over the past few decades, academic subjects have become increasingly important in this fast-changing information-based society. Nowadays, there has been a growing debate as to whether it would be more effective to replace physical education classes with academic subjects. Despite the importance of sports, I highly believe that it is inevitable and more efficient to focus more on academic subjects for several reasons. Those who argue that sports and exercise classes are needed in school, base their case on the following arguments. First of all, sports are a good way to build character and develop a personality. In other words, they are necessary for learning about competition, cooperation, and good sportsmanship. In addition, as a majority of children, these days are addicted to the Internet, they find it hard to leave their computer. Consequently, a growing num


Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality – brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think being a celebrity brings more benefits or more pro blems.   Becoming a famous person is not rudimentary as it requires tremendous toil ,in order to, reach the prominent position. Yet, it is more obvious that people who are in the lime light experience the most joyful, as well as, embarrassing   moments in the society. Whether it is advantageous or problematic being a charismatic celebrity? I will elucidate the virtues and vices in the upcoming paragraphs and conclude with my vantage at the end.   On one side, it is more evident that, popular personalities will often have fantabulous fan followers who facilitate them to the core which make them to feel proud amongst the people. In other words, they can sense the invincible importance given to them wherever they go ,which, cannot be achieved by all. Furthermore, they can boast a luxurious life since they earn


Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who are from poor countries. Do you agree or disagree?   Being employed is the requisite requirement for every mankind which aids them to earn their wages and fulfil their basic needs. Some people opine that the developed countries should create more job opportunities for the candidates from the underdeveloped countries who have a wide range of profundity and prowesses. Will this action help for the upliftment of all the countries globally? I partially agree to this assertion and conclude with my conceptions at the end.   On one side, if the countries who are in the top positions allow more employees in their place to work from other countries which is yet to be developed, it generates a communication bridge amongst all the nations which unites  all sorts of people enmasse. In other words, these kinds of actions will develop enormous employment chances for all individuals who were awaiting for a platform


We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Today computers are used almost everywhere, it is impossible to imagine our life without PCs, the Internet, mobile phones and other computer devices. It is reasonable to think that people look forward to the future of computers.  In what field will be computers used for and what role will human has in this world in the future? Besides , computers make our life easier, we can easily get information about any product we plan to buy or place we plan to visit in a second using a personal computer and the  Internet . Scientists predict that in the nearest future it will be possible to smell a new perfume using the Internet and watch 3D scenes at home like we do in the movie theater. According to forecasts of HR agencies, machi


People say that protecting the environment is the government’s responsibility. Others believe that every individual should be responsible for it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. People hold different views about whether the government should shoulder the responsibility of preserving the environment or each person  is  a responsible  one . I will pen down both the views in the subsequent paragraphs with my opinion at the end. On the one hand, the government may play a pivotal role in maintaining the environment safe and healthy. It is  authorities  that should introduce the legislation in order to mitigate environmental problems, such as air pollution and more. To illustrate, there should be some laws encouraging factories to move to the  countrysides  rather than staying in cities. This could help urban areas to be further protected from the poisonous fumes, which  are always discharged from firms . Another prominent role the government could play would be creating


Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change.  Others, however, others think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.   It is more obvious that tremendous transformations in our life from time to time are requisite and inevitable. Some people aspire to expend their lives stereotypically, neglecting the ultimate changes in their lifestyle, whereas, others opine that, it is extremely essential to boast some innovations, which is often hospitable, so as to , ascend the happiness in our life. Whether changes in our life are primarily pivotal? I will pen down my viewpoints in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my conceptions at the end.   On one side, it is more evident that, if a person engages himself/herself in doing the same set of tasks again and again, certainly, it aids them to possess concrete comfortability and astonishing ability to proceed the work, in order, to access the peak point of v


Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.   Language enacts as a bridge to communicate with people which should be taught to the children deliberately, yet, it is more pivotal to know a foreign language, in addition to, a native language, which in turn, aids to ramp up the self – reliance of the students, in order to, interact with different sectors of people. Some people convicted that, it is more beneficial for children if they commence learning a foreign language when they are pursuing primary classes rather than in high schools. Does this bring a positive or negative development amongst the school-goers? I will elucidate the virtues and vices in the forthcoming paragraphs and conclude with my conceptions at the end.   On one hand, if the young kiddies were initiated to learn a foreign language in primary sections, it will ult


Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?   Today we are surviving in the hyper – modernized society where each and everybody aspires to lead a ravishing and luxurious life, especially the utilization of vehicles in a large amount, owing to the overwhelming population, which in turn, results in tremendous traffic on the road ,as well as, mixing of problematic pollutants into the atmosphere. It is a common opinion that ramping up the petrol fare can resolve this sober issue to a greater extent. Is this the best way to iron out the issue? I partially agree to this assertion and I will pen down my viewpoints in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my conceptions at the end.   On one side, if the rate of petroleum products were ascended, it would ignite the people’s mind-set to switch onto alternative sources of energy which ca


In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What could be done about this problem?   It is more obvious that food, air, and clothing are the requisite requirements for all mankind, as well as, agriculture is the backbone of all the countries which aids us to produce food. Though many advanced techniques and equipment have been inserted in undergoing cultivation, several people around the globe still had the issue of being hungry   especially in the underdeveloped countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, etc.., Why do this sober and serious mess occur? I will elucidate the facts in the forthcoming paragraphs and conclude with my vantage at the end.   To commensurate, innumerable reasons can be heaped up for this meddle which lacks attention from the people and also the administrators. Owing to the humongous increase in population worldwide, it is more complex to fulfill the appetites of people deliberately as


Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters ( such as food, clothes, and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make own decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.     It is more obvious that children in this hyper – modernized society possess their own choosing options in all sorts of matters related to them. Some people convict that, if the youngsters are allowed to make choices only for their requisite requirements, they acquire a quality of thinking about them alone, irrespective of others’ emotions, whereas, others’ belief is that, it is predominantly pivotal to captivate the young minds to take decisions about the matters that create some impacts on their personalities. Which of these qualities should be inculcated in – depth amongst the children? I will pen down the fac


Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.   Environmental degradation is one of the most significant and sober issues in modern society which has to be tackled fastidiously, in order to, get a constructive and concrete solution. Numerous reasons can be piled up for this meddling, yet some people propose that the most prominent problem with regards to the environment is the loss of floras and faunas, whereas, others’ context is that there are several other essential environmental problems apart from this which need immediate actions. Which has to be considered the most delicate issue to deal with first? I will explicate the contents in the forthcoming paragraphs and conclude with my point of view at the end.   On one side, it is more evident that all the factors in an ecosystem whether it is biotic or ab


Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have a greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view. The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven themselves, superior parents, as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive natures, and their generally better communication skills. From the time they are little girls, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of caretakers. Girls see their mothers in the same roles and so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in contrast, learn compet


Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples. In our modern stressful world, we often forget about our customs and traditions. However, I think that people should keep their traditions alive because they help to remember our forefathers and value the beautiful moments we have in our lives.   In my country, we have a great custom called "Maslenica". It is a holiday, which is celebrated at the end of the winter. Many people gather in the biggest square of the city and see off the winter. They say good-bye to the winter and ask the spring to change the winter. They celebrate the beginning of life when everything starts to grow. People at this holiday bake pancakes and treat each other with them. Also, many people gathered on the square play different games. For example, the most well-known game "pulling a rope" subsists in that two teams pull a rope. The wi


Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life Which do you consider to be the major influence? Today, the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by genetic science. We now understand the importance of inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet, we are still unable to decide whether an individual’s personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors (nature) or by the environment. Research, relating to identical twins has highlighted how significant inherited characteristics can be for an individual’s life. But whether these characteristics are able to develop within the personality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development. It seems that the experiences we have in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences.


Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Changes in life are inevitable. It is more obvious that everybody in their life has to face multiple situations whether it is good or bad and the most significant thing is that, how we poise those moments wisely. Some people convict that, it is far better to embrace the bitter experiences like an unsatisfactory job, shortage of money, etc.., while, others’ perception is that it is our responsibility to attempt aggressively and overcome those hurdles, in order to, acquire the stupendous success. Whether a person should be pessimistic or optimistic? I will pen down the facts in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my viewpoints at the end.   On one side, if a person is readily available to accept an extremely hard situation, then he/ she can boast a con


Discipline is an ever-increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. " Discipline is a bridge between goals and accomplishments", Though some people believe that discipline should be taught by teachers, while others think that it should be the responsibility of parents. This essay illustrates why there is a lack of discipline in modern schools and how parents and teachers are responsible for it and I pen down my viewpoint in the forthcoming paragraphs. To start with, discipline can empower us to stick to the decisions taken and follow them to achieve our goals. Parents are the first teachers who guide their wards and build discipline. If parents spend more time with their pupils, they can understand their child's mentality and discipline them accordingly. Before guiding students, parents should also be self-disci


Tourism is an ever-growing industry.  What are the benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society? In this contemporary world, tourism has not only attracted every individual but also the entire community who earn numerous benefits. Tourism provides a source of income and economic growth to its country as well as it gives a joyful experience to every tourist. This essay illustrates various kinds of advantages and benefits to individuals and society. To start with, from the past few decades there has been an advancement in the exploration and travel system, which has brought many advantages not only to the countries economic growth but also to its reputation. With a steady increase and growth in tourism, there are more chances of growth in education. Moreover, different cultures and traditions can be experienced, which can build beautiful relationships between each other and also improves communication skills effectively. Some people can find their inner peace by explor


In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?   Reading newspapers or books is the part and parcel of our life done with an intention, either to enhance our profundity to a greater extent or to expend our leisure time logically. Some people's perception is that in the upcoming eras, pupils will deny buying  printed newspapers or books, instead of that, they can read everything utilizing the terrific technological devices on the internet. Whether it is beneficial or disadvantageous? I partially agree to this altercation and I will elucidate my viewpoints in the forthcoming paragraphs and conclude with my vantage at the end.   On one hand, it is more evident that, reading newspapers or books explicitly, will in turn, aid in enhancing our enthusiasm enormously, as well as, incredibly increase the pleasure of reading for the peopl