

As a result of growth in some urban centers,  the environment in those cities is deteriorating. How could this issue be tackled by both the government and individuals?   Many people convict that   humongous facilities are readily available in the modern cities, so that, most of them commenced to transpose their lifestyle by shifting to the urban areas. Owing to this, terrific and tremendous transformations happened in the modern zones over a period of years. Are these modifications manifest the positive development of the urban areas? I will elucidate the facts in the forthcoming paragraphs and conclude with my convictions at the end.   To commensurate, it is more evident that our contemporary hyper- modernized city is the most preferable venue for all mankind to survive as everything can be done fastidiously in due course of time. In other words, because of overwhelming growth in these places, people can lead a jazzier and joyful life where they can fulfil their desires withou


Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both views and give your opinion.   School is the most pristine place where we get opportunities in order to widen our wisdom deliberately. Some people put forward the assertion that learning our pasts is considered to be a more pivotal subject, whereas, others' perception is that establishing the students in the arenas of Science and Technology are more significant than History. Will this assist the kids, if they are engaged to be extremely enthusiastic in a specific field? I will pen down my viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs and conclude with my convictions at the end.   On one hand, it is more essential for all the individuals to know about their ancestors and their lifestyles which were followed by them, certainly, aid them to correlate with their modern culture and the modifi


Some people think that public health is the responsibility of the government while others think that people should be responsible for their own health. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Is the government responsible for public health? Some people believe that it is their responsibility, while others think that the government should be accountable for public health. This essay will handle both sides of the coin on behalf of public health and give my opinion in the fourth coming paragraphs. To commence with, the government plays a major role in protecting humans from various kinds of diseases. Food production is the biggest part of public health. The government ensures that healthy food is provided to citizens in order to maintain a wholesome lifestyle. For instance, in one of the greatest pandemic created by covid19, the government isolated the entire country in order to hold the spreading of the disease. Recently due to heavy rainfalls, municipal water was affected by the drain


In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?   Food, water, air, clothing and shelter are the requisite requirements for each and every mankind. Amongst them residing in an appropriate abode is more significant which ensures the safety and security of an individual, especially, investing their paper money to buy their dream house. Whether this kind of activity connotes the extreme economic development of a nation? I will explicate the facts in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my convictions at the end.   To commensurate, in recent eras, it is more evident that some citizens commenced to afford predominant preference to have their own accommodation, instead of, being a tenant. In other words, people consider this to be the most pivotal part of their life which ascends their status in the midst of the social members. Furthermore, possessing t


In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend a large sum of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both views and give your opinion.   Migrating from one place to another is requisite and inevitable and the different sorts of transportation aid in accessing the specific spots. Some people believe that it is more essential to expend mammoth money in establishing modern railway systems, while, others perception is that the administrators should spend the money to improvise the present means of transport. What has to be done prior to this arena? I will pen down my conceptions in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my viewpoints at the end.   On one side, if the humongous currency is utilized to design some new track lines such as metro trains, it will be easier for the citizens to transpose from place to place within a sho


Nowadays many people choose to be self – employed, rather than to work for a company or organization. What might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self –-employed? It is more obvious that every individual aspires to hold an iconic identity which assists them to ramp-up in their desired fraternity. Some people aim to work for a venture in order to explore exponentially, as well as, to learn from their experiences, whereas, the perception of others is to be liberal in achieving the tasks and expend their skills, so that, they can enhance them   efficiently, which, in turn, enable them to become a proprietor of a venture. Which is more beneficial – being an employer or employee? I will elucidate the facts in the subsequent paragraphs and conclude with my conceptions at the end.   To commensurate, in this hyper-competitive society, it is more complex to withstand in a prominent position, specifically, in our working sectors. In other words, securing a high–


More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life. But city life has its own problems. What are the problems? And suggest some solutions.     In this competitive contemporary world, more and more people are moving from rural to urban areas in order to find a better life. Yet, cities have their own issues. In this essay, I will analyze and pen down some relevant problems and solutions as well in the subsequent paragraphs.   To embark upon, it is obvious that issues in the cities are complicated. Firstly, the largest population in the cities lead to house shortage. For instance, in the big cities, many of the people reside in suburbs because the rents of housing in the cities are too high. As these people want to travel every day for their work purpose, here we can find the second problem- traffic congestion. Nowadays, traffic jams are a big concern for many cities. For instance, take Shanghai as an example, if a person wants to travel from t