

GLOBALISATION HAS MANY ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS  AND GIVE YOUR OPINION. Globalization is defined as the interconnection and interaction of people across the world by means of goods and cultural exchange. Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on people's life which are discussed in the following passages.         One of the biggest positive sides of globalization is exposure to world-class products and also the increase in the country's economy which can be in turn used for the development of education in rural areas. The second positive impact is that the awareness of vivid cultures in the different parts of the world which helps to maintain integrity among people. Globalization also helps in the sharing of ideas among a group of people and also awareness about what is happening in the world.           Even though globalization has many positive impacts, there are also some risks involved in this. Many people strongly believe that globaliz


Overpopulation in many urban centers around the world is a problem. What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved. Today, more than 50% of the population live in the cities and this is expected to increase to more numbers in the upcoming decades. Urbanization trend is growing rapidly these days because cities are attracting youngsters with wide range of oppurtunities. The causes and the issues caused by this are further explained clearly in the essay.     Firstly, the two main reasons why people from rural areas moving to towns are unemployment and unprofitable agriculture in the villages. In recent days,farmers are facing huge losses because of various factors and unable to clear their debts, they are selling their land which is their only source of income and to earn a living are immigrating to cities and are working as labourers in various construction sites. With regards to unemployment, getting jobs in hamlets is less likely when compared to metropolitan areas, so mo


Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both the views and give your opinion. Have you ever watched a sports match without the logos of different brands? The answer is certainly no because sports sponsorship is the best way to boost their businesses these days. Even though this is believed to be a booming strategy to increase their business, there are few other people who think this is a threat to society.  I will discuss both the points clearly in the essay and also give my outlook on this context.      Sports events are the most rated shows all over the world. So, businessmen take this to their advantage to promote their organization and it is quite normal these days. This helps to increase their brand awareness and also their consumer base which automatically generates huge commercial profit. The logos of their brand are printed on the jerseys of the athletes and sportsp


  I t is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?   Students having a year off after their the school completion and joining their college period of time, have become regular and most popular habit in recent times. Even though, it looks good on one hand, it also has its own share of minuses on the other, which I will pen down in following paragraphs.   To start with the positive side, after a decade of continuous school studies, every individual needs a break before getting into their next part of life. This allows the person to explore on real-world happenings, spend time with their family, and in addition to that, they will also get time to choose their perfect college or universities through their undergone experience in that interval. However, this duration should be certain and should not be off the road, which misleads the track of their future.   To continue w


Many students do not finish school. Why is this, and how can the problem be solved Give your opinion and suggestions? Today, although most students in the UAE complete school, a large number still drop out because of family, social, and work pressures. This problem requires serious action from both individuals and the government. Most students who do not complete school do so because of family problems. Girls, especially, want to get married and start a family. Some parents are not interested in education and do not support their children in studying. Social problems are also a contributing factor. Education is compulsory but, despite this, some people do not take it seriously. Furthermore, jobs are available even if students do not have a good education. The third reason is work pressure. Some families are poor and need their children to work in order to increase their income. All these problems will create young people who do not have any skills and who will not be able to improv


In many countries, sports and exercise classes are replaced with the academic subjects Discuss the effects of this trend. Over the past few decades, academic subjects have become increasingly important in this fast-changing information-based society. Nowadays, there has been a growing debate as to whether it would be more effective to replace physical education classes with academic subjects. Despite the importance of sports, I highly believe that it is inevitable and more efficient to focus more on academic subjects for several reasons. Those who argue that sports and exercise classes are needed in school, base their case on the following arguments. First of all, sports are a good way to build character and develop a personality. In other words, they are necessary for learning about competition, cooperation, and good sportsmanship. In addition, as a majority of children, these days are addicted to the Internet, they find it hard to leave their computer. Consequently, a growing num


Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality – brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think being a celebrity brings more benefits or more pro blems.   Becoming a famous person is not rudimentary as it requires tremendous toil ,in order to, reach the prominent position. Yet, it is more obvious that people who are in the lime light experience the most joyful, as well as, embarrassing   moments in the society. Whether it is advantageous or problematic being a charismatic celebrity? I will elucidate the virtues and vices in the upcoming paragraphs and conclude with my vantage at the end.   On one side, it is more evident that, popular personalities will often have fantabulous fan followers who facilitate them to the core which make them to feel proud amongst the people. In other words, they can sense the invincible importance given to them wherever they go ,which, cannot be achieved by all. Furthermore, they can boast a luxurious life since they earn