IELTS Listening Exam Information In order to score a good band in IELTS examination you need to have strong knowledge about the information related to the exam. Here are some of the exam information through which you can get an idea of how the exam format will be and you will be able to attend the exam with confidence. The IELTS listening test will have 30 minutes to complete the test and extra 10 minutes will be given to write the answer for the questions that are asked. There will be 40 questions like other tests, and each answer for the question carries 1 mark. The listening test has 4 parts and the difficulty level of the test increases in each part. The examiner gives you time to look into the questions before you start listening to the recording that is played and at the end you will have time to review the answers that you have written. There are same listening tests for both academic as well as the general training categories. Parts of Listening Test There ar...