

IELTS Listening Exam Information In order to score a good band in IELTS examination you need to have strong knowledge about the information related to the exam. Here are some of the exam information through which you can get an idea of how the exam format will be and you will be able to attend the exam with confidence. The IELTS listening test will have 30 minutes to complete the test and extra 10 minutes will be given to write the answer for the questions that are asked. There will be 40 questions like other tests, and each answer for the question carries 1 mark. The listening test has 4 parts and the difficulty level of the test increases in each part. The examiner gives you time to look into the questions before you start listening to the recording that is played and at the end you will have time to review the answers that you have written. There are same listening tests for both academic as well as the general training categories. Parts of Listening Test There ar


IELTS Reading Answer Sheet 1.Timing:  60 minutes (no extra transfer time) 2. Questions : Include 40 questions An IELTS reading test can include a wide range of question types as follows: Identifying information (True/False/Not Given) Matching information Matching sentence endings Sentence completion Summary completion Multiple choices Identifying writer’s claims (Yes, No, Not Given) Note completion Short-answer questions Flow-chart/table/ completion Labeling a diagram Classification 3. Test Parts : 3 sections An IELTS Reading Test contains 3 sections with the total text length ranging from 2,150 to 2750 words. Each section consists of one long text which is extracted from newspapers, journals, websites, etc 4. Skills assessed:  The Reading test aims to assess a variety of skills, namely skimming, scanning, reading for main ideas/detail, recognizing a writer’s opinions, purpose, attitude, understanding implied meaning, etc 5. Marking:  1 mark for


In IELTS Reading you will be given to read 3 paragraphs for which you will get 60 minutes of time. Based on the paragraph you will have different categories of questions and each paragraph will have 3-4 different types of questions you have to answer. In the IELTS reading test also there are 2 versions of the Academic Section as well as the General Training Section. You need to plan well before applying for a particular test because both the sections will be different in IELTS Reading. The Academic and General Training structure have some same features such as both the tests have a time limit of 60 minutes and also have 40 questions each. Even though both the passages are not the same, the way of answering the questions is almost the same because the questions asked are almost similar. Academic IELTS Reading: As IELTS academic is for the students who are looking to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate the passages will be related to the subjects like social, science, en


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. There is a public park near where you live. You have heard that the local council wants to sell this park. Write a letter to a local newspaper. In your letter: introduce yourself describe the importance of the park say what action you will take if the council continues with its plan Write at least 150 words.  Model answer Here is a model answer.  To the Editor, My name is John Smith – a resident of Quitclaim  for  five years. My family moved here due to  its  affordability, and  proximity  to the city. We also enjoy several small parks in which our sons and their friends play. One of  these  parks is Lafarge Park,  on  Guilford Street. It is not large, but it is well-used, clean, and  safe . Recently, I learnt that Quitclaim Council  has  decided to sell this  public  amenity for development. The land has already been  reasoned  residential, so I assume as many dwellings as possible – perhaps even twenty ap


What public holidays do you have in your country? My country has a great range of public holidays but to me the most important one is the Independence Day. It is considered as a national holiday, which is annually celebrated on July 4. These day are to celebrate the day the US secured independence from the British Empire after the Revolutionary War and  usher in  a new  era  of peace and reunification. What public holidays do you have in your country? My country has a great range of public holidays but to me the most important one is the Independence Day. It is considered as a national holiday, which is annually celebrated on July 4. These day are to celebrate the day the US secured independence from the British Empire after the Revolutionary War and  usher in  a new  era  of peace and reunification. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals? Of course we do. We celebrate Christmas with extraordinarily colorful lights and decorations similar to those found in We


Do you like watch films? Absolutely! They are an excellent way to  unwind (relax; free your mind) . Moreover, my friends are reallt into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we have just watched. Apart from just relaxing and enjoying the film, I like to  delve deeper   (get to the deeper meaning)  to discover the subliminal messages. 2. What kinds of movies do you like best? Well, I would say  I’m still a kid at heart (a person who still feels like a child in their heart) , so I really enjoy watching kids’ movies. Although they seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films. Moreover, I’m really into drama and historical movies. When I watch these, I feel that I can more deeply understand human emotions and re-live historical moments, like the Vietnam-America War or World War II. 3. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country? Since my country doesn’t hav


Do you like taking photographs? Yes, of course. They are a way to capture a moment in time. Moreover, I like to be able to show them to people so they can imagine that they were there with me. As I’m a big traveler, photos are my way of sharing my experiences without words. In which situation do you like take photos? Any situation! But especially when I see something  out of the ordinary . For example, I like to take photos when the light is setting just right on my street, or when I catch a  glimpse   (a look)  of two children holding hands. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?) My own photography, as I feel quite confident with my skill. Furthermore, I feel that my own photos are much more personal. Although some post cards are beautiful, I don’t feel that they  hold a candle (compare)  to my own. How often do you take photos? I would say everyday. I’m  a big fan of  selfies, so I often snap a few of them to send to