
Showing posts from October, 2019
Global Scale of English PTE Academic is scored against the Global Scale of English. The Global Scale of English is a granular score scale from 10 – 90. Students receive an overall score on this scale, which gives an accurate assessment of their English ability. 


Have you ever been to any island? Yes, I have! Actually, I lived on an island for 3 months back in 2016. My mother was offered to work at a resort for 2 years, so I joined them there for 3 months.  Isl and life was quite an interesting experience! Are there any islands in your country? Yes, there are. There is one famous island called X, famed for its  crystal clear  water and white sands. I’ve heard the pagodas are very interesting to visit there, as well. I haven’t been yet, but I dream of going there for a  girls getaway (when women go on a trip together)  sometime in the future Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance? Not really. Islands are beautiful, but I felt really  isolated (separated from others)  when I lived on one before. As I’m an active person, I felt there wasn’t much to do. Sure, the beach is great, but it gets boring day after day. What do you like to do when you are on an island? Beach of course! Behind that, I like  getting to know  


Are you a social person? Very much so! I feel that I  thrive on (survive)  social interactions. I like a small amount of time to myself each day, but I feel most charged when I spend time with others. I prefer to spend my free time with friends or family rather than being in my room reading   a book, for instance. Do you use social networking sites?  Yes, social networking websites have become part of my everyday life. My favorite one is Facebook, one of the most popular websites in the world, with millions of users in different countries. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? ll kinds! I am friends with a wide range of people from my school years, family members, and friends I’ve recently met. Actually, I’m even friends with people who I’ve never even met before. Do you like to use Facebook? Yes, I love it! This social networking website allows me to keep in contact with my friends and find people you’ve lost touch with. How did you f